Terms & Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully. They constitute the terms on which you enter into a contract with Great Trips Limited (Hereafter referred to as “Great Trips Ltd.”,“we”, “our”, “us”). They contain some exclusions and limitations of liability. 

If any part of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, then the remainder of these Booking Conditions will not be affected and will remain valid and enforceable. In these Booking Conditions, “you” and “your” means all persons named on the booking form (including anyone who is added or substituted at a later date). If there is anything you do not understand or want to know, please contact us before booking. 

1. Prices, Reservation and Payment 

To secure a booking with Great Trips Ltd, you should complete all the information in thee-booking form and pay the total price. You should also confirm that you have appropriate insurance cover at this time. A payment schedule can be arranged on a case-by-case basis. 

The party leader must be at least 18 and must be authorised to make the booking on the basis of these Booking Conditions by all persons named on the booking. In making the booking, the party leader confirms that he/she is so authorised and that all party members agree to be bound by these Booking Conditions. The party leader must ensure that all information provided to us is accurate and complete and must use their own debit or credit card to make the booking (if the debit or credit card belongs to a third party, the party leader must have that person’s express authority to use it and must have confirmed this to us in writing in advance) The party leader is responsible for making all payments due to us and for passing on to all party members all information and documents provided by us. 

On receipt of your payment, we will provide you with a booking reference (which you should quote at all times when corresponding with us). Please check your confirmation invoice, ticket and anything else you receive in relation to your booking carefully as soon as you receive it. Contact us immediately if any information appears to be incorrect or incomplete as it may not be possible to make changes later. We regret we cannot accept any liability if we are not notified of any error, we have made in any document within 14 days of its being sent to you. We will endeavour to rectify or arrange for the rectification of any errors notified to us outside these time limits, but you must meet any costs involved in doing so. Please see section 6″Amendments by you” if you wish to make any changes to your booking or to the information you provided to us at the time of booking. 

If we are able to confirm your booking request, we will take payment from your debit or credit card and send you a confirmation invoice. If we cannot or do not do so, we will notify you accordingly and any payment which has been made will be refunded. 

2. Method of Payment  

Payment can be made by debit cards and all major credit cards or by bank transfer. In accordance with mail order regulations, all documents will be posted to the billing address of the credit/debit cardholder and not the address of the passenger (unless they are one and the same). 


3. Anti-Fraud policy

In the interest of consumer protection, we operate a stringent anti-fraud and security policy, and we reserve the right to refuse any booking on the grounds of a) suspected fraud or b) the inability to prove the identity of the person/s making a booking. In these instances, Great Trips Ltd. will not accept any liability howsoever caused which is associated and/or resultant with these actions

4. Acceptance of Booking and the Contract

Once your holiday has been confirmed by us, it is at this time that a contract is made between you and Great Trips Ltd. and is subject to these booking conditions. We will normally confirm your booking within 3 working days, although in some circumstances it may be possible that due to a problem confirming with a supplier, it takes a little longer. If for any reason we are unable to confirm your holiday, and you are unhappy with our proposed alternative, we will refund your payment in full.

Please note that if we do not receive full payment of your final invoice before 60 days prior to your departure, we are entitled to assume that you wish to cancel your booking and we shall be entitled to cancel the booking, retain your deposit and apply the cancellation charges asset out in our paragraph on Cancellations policy. Your travel documents should arrive with you approximately 30 days before your departure. If booking within 30 days of departure, documents will be sent as soon as possible, or arrangements will be made to courier documents on payment of an additional fee. 

Special requests should be indicated on the Booking form at the time of booking. Although we will try to arrange for reasonable special requests to be met, we cannot guarantee that they will be, and we will not be held liable if any special request is not met. Where you book only a single component of a holiday (such as a hotel booking or a train ticket) we act only as a booking agent for the supplier concerned and accept no liability for the provision of the product or service involved. 

Your booking is only accepted on the understanding that you realise that we cannot be held responsible for the consequences or effects of flight cancellations, strikes, riots, sickness, adverse weather conditions, mechanical breakdown or any other unpredictable or unforeseen circumstances that may have a consequential or material effect on the contents or timing of your holiday. 

5. Insurance

It is a condition of our acceptance of your booking that you take out insurance at the time of booking and it is your responsibility to do so. A suitable insurance policy should provide adequate cover for medical expenses arising through illness or accident prior to or during the holiday and loss of holiday monies through cancellation and curtailment of the holiday for insurable reasons. 

You should ensure that there are no exclusion clauses limiting protection for the type of activities in your itinerary. We cannot be held responsible if you purchase an inadequate insurance policy or if you fail to notify your insurance company of any factors affecting your particular requirements for cover. If you fail to take out adequate travel insurance, it will be deemed that you have indemnified Great Trips Ltd. from any consequential loss. 

6. Amendments by You

We will try to accommodate any changes you wish to make to your itinerary, but after you have paid your deposit and finalised your booking, these will be subject to a £50.00 administration fee. Alterations to some services may be subject to a cancellation charge from a supplier of that service, which we will advise you of at the time of the change. If any member of your party is prevented from travelling, the person(s) concerned may be able to transfer their place to someone else (introduced by you) providing we are notified not less than 2 weeks before departure. The request must be made by email to info@greatbritishtrips.com where a transfer to a person of your choice can be made, all costs and charges incurred by us and/or incurred or imposed by any of our suppliers as a result together with an amendment fee of £50.00 per person must be paid before the transfer can be affected.

7. Cancellation by You 

All cancellations must be advised to Great Trips Ltd. by email or by letter quoting your holiday reference number. Cancellations are effective on the day that they are received by Great Trips Ltd. The following cancellation charges will be payable, depending on the number of days prior to departure when we receive your notice of cancellation: 

Days Prior to Departure 

Cancellation Fee 

  • More than 90 days: 25% of trip price 
  • 69 – 32 days: 50% of trip price 
  • Less than 31 days: 100% of trip price 

Please be aware that depending on your itinerary it is possible that a hotelier or other service provider may have higher cancellation charges than those charged by us. Should this be the case, we reserve the right to pass these on. If there is cause to cancel your booking due to illness or certain other unavoidable circumstances, you should refer to your travel insurance policy, as you may be able to recover the cancellation charges through the insurance. You are reminded that once a deposit has been taken and we have confirmed the booking, a contract exists and that we are entitled to make a claim in law for the above cancellation charges even if you have not completed payment of the balance of the holiday cost. 

8. Alterations by Great Trips Ltd. 

After a confirmation and Invoice has been issued to you, we always endeavour to avoid changes and cancellations to your itinerary; however, we must reserve the right to do so. For example, we may have to change a hotel for reasons beyond our control. In this scenario we would endeavour to move your booking to a hotel of at least the same standard and within the same town or city. In the case of a supplier cancelling an activity or excursion booked through us, we will give you the option of an alternative activity or a refund to the value of that activity on your trip. If in the very unlikely event that we have to change any locations on your itinerary or move you to a lower standard of accommodation for any element of the trip, we will notify you as soon as possible and offer you the choice of the alternative locations we have suggested, let you choose a different itinerary – where we would refund you the difference if your new itinerary is less expensive than your original itinerary. 

9. Cancellation by Great Trips Ltd. 

If you fail to pay the balance of the holiday price at least 60 days before departure, we will treat your booking as cancelled and levy the cancellation charges set out in section 7. If we are obliged to cancel your holiday due to force majeure such as weather conditions, fire, flood, industrial disputes, transportation problems, riots, pandemics or any other event outside our control we will endeavour to offer an alternative date in the future for your trip or will give you a full refund. However, we will be entitled to deduct from your refund any reasonable expenses that we may have incurred. If we have to cancel after the date you have to pay the balance of the cost of your arrangements, we will pay you the compensation set out below depending on the circumstances, provided we have received full payment subject to the following exceptions. Compensation will not be payable and no liability beyond offering the above-mentioned choices can be accepted where we are forced to make a change or cancel as a result of unusual and unforeseeable circumstances such as a force majeure beyond our control, the consequences of which we could not have avoided even with all due care. No compensation will be payable if we cancel as a result of your failure to comply with any requirement of these Booking Conditions entitling us to cancel (such as paying on time) or where any change is a minor one. 

The table below shows the period before departure a significant change Compensation per person or cancellation is notified to you (excluding infants) 

Days prior to Departure Compensation per person 

  • 70 or more days Nothing 
  • 69 – 43 days £10 
  • 42 – 14 days £20 
  • 14 days or less £30 

10. Responsibilities of Great Trips Ltd. 

If we are found liable to pay you compensation, then (subject to the paragraphs below) the maximum amount which Great Trips Ltd will be liable to pay to you in respect of any claim shall be limited to two times the price paid to the Great Trips Ltd for your booking, in total. This limitation shall not apply to any claims relating to death or personal injury or fraud or negligence (or any other type of claim that cannot be excluded or limited by law). You should notify us of any potential claims at your earliest opportunity. 

We shall be liable to you for the proper performance of the obligations arising from this contract irrespective of whether such obligations are to be performed by us or by other suppliers or services contracted by us. However, we will not be liable if such failure to perform is attributable neither to any fault of Great Trips Ltd or that of another supplier of services because: i) Such failure is attributable to you; or ii) Such failure being attributable to a third party unconnected with the provision of the services contracted for; or 

iii) Such failure is due to a case of force majeure, as described in section 9. iv) Such failure is due to an event which Great Trips Ltd or the supplier of services could not have foreseen or forestalled. Please note, we cannot accept responsibility for any services which do not form part of our contract. This includes, for example, any additional services or facilities which your hotel or any other supplier agrees to provide for you where the services or facilities are not advertised by us and we have not agreed to arrange them. 

11. Your responsibilities are

a.Travel Documents and Passports 

Before confirming your booking, you should check the current visa and passport requirements for visiting the UK and allow adequate time to obtain them. Please note passports must be valid for 3 months beyond your length of stay. It is your responsibility to obtain all documents required for your holiday, to ensure that these are in proper order and to take them with you. We will not be liable if you fail to do so, and you will be responsible for meeting any additional costs incurred by reason of such failure. On receipt of your travel documents you have a responsibility to check all the names and details are correct and correspond with your passports. Any errors or corrections must be reported to us as soon as possible. We cannot accept liability for incorrect details on your travel documents unless caused by our negligence. 

b. External Travel Services 

Great Trips Ltd. may recommend to you the services of external travel companies, which do not form part of the itinerary that you have paid for with us. Although we try to ensure that we only recommend companies with the highest levels of service, we do not guarantee the services provided by these third parties. Great Trips Ltd. is not liable for any injury, expenses or costs arising from any services, or lack thereof (which do not include those elements you have paid us to supply) provided by neither any third party nor the standards of care which travellers experience when using those services. 

c. Health 

By sending a deposit to confirm your booking of the trip, you certify that you do not have any physical condition or disability that would create a hazard for you or other travellers.

d. Insurance

Before travelling on a trip, we strongly recommend that you review your personal insurance and health insurance to ensure you have coverage appropriate to meet your needs, and the needs of your family and dependents, in case of any loss of property or illness, injury or death.

e. Presenting yourself on time 

You are responsible for presenting yourself at the correct time to take up pre-booked travel, excursion or event components of your itinerary. We cannot take responsibility for clients missing transportation if you fail to check-in/arrive on time for travel or failing to go to a pre-booked excursion or event. No credit or refunds will be given if you fail to take up any component of your holiday. No credit or refund will be given for lost, mislaid or destroyed travel documents. If your flight is delayed to the UK, please contact Great Trips Ltd. and we will endeavour to help you to make any rearrangements necessary to your itinerary. However, we cannot guarantee that this can be done, or that it will incur no extra cost to you. 

f. Baggage and personal property 

All baggage and personal property are at all times your own responsibility. 

g. Behaviour 

If the behaviour of any member of your party is considered likely to cause offence, danger, damage or distress to others, or risks damage to property belonging to others, we and/or our agents and/or our suppliers (e.g. including representatives on their behalf such as hotel managers, transportation drivers) may take appropriate action in order to ensure the safety and comfort of our customers and their property and that of our agents and suppliers and reserve the right at all times to cancel or terminate your holiday completely. If, for example a transportation driver, accommodation owner or manager considers that the behaviour is unacceptable, they are authorised to terminate this element of your holiday. If this situation arises, our responsibility will cease immediately, and we will not be obliged to cover any expenses incurred by the party concerned and neither will we consider any claims for compensation or refunds whatsoever. We will also be within our rights to impose cancellation fees should the situation arise. Further, you will be liable to reimburse us for any expenses we incur necessarily as a result of such termination. 

12. Transportation 

Rail, road and other departure times are supplied by the transportation suppliers. There is no guarantee that departures will take place at the times shown on your tickets. GreatTrips Ltd does not have any liability to you for any delays which may occur. 

13. Excursions and Activities 

Your hotel may put you in touch with organisers of excursions or sell you other activities if you so request. However, we have no liability for such excursions or activities that have not been booked directly through us. 

14. Complaints 

In the unlikely event that you have any reason to complain about any arrangements whilst away, you must immediately inform the supplier of the service(s) in question. Any verbal notification must be confirmed in writing to the supplier as soon as possible. If the complaint cannot be resolved to your satisfaction straightaway, you should also contact us on 0161 9411215, or email us at customerservices@greatbritishtrips.com as soon as possible and we will do our best to assist.

If you remain dissatisfied, you must write to our Customer Relations Manager at Great Trips Ltd., Adamson House, Office 13, Towers Business Park, Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M20 2YY within 28 days of the end of your arrangements giving your booking reference and full details of your complaint. For all complaints and claims which do not involve death, personal injury or illness, we regret we cannot accept liability if you fail to notify the complaint or claim entirely in accordance with this clause. 

15. Data Protection Policy 

In order to process your booking and to ensure that your travel arrangements run smoothly and meet your requirements we need to use the information you provide us such as name, address and any special requirements, such as those relating to any disability or medical condition that may affect your holiday arrangements. We take full responsibility for ensuring that proper security measures are in place to protect your information. We must pass on information to relevant suppliers of your holiday arrangements such as hotels, transportation companies etc.

The information may also be provided to security or credit checking companies, public authorities such as customs/immigration if required by them or as required by law. We will not, however, pass any information on to any person not responsible for any part of your holiday arrangements. If we cannot pass this to the relevant suppliers, we cannot provide your booking. In making the booking with us, you consent to this information being passed on to the relevant people. You are entitled to a copy of the information held by us. If you would like to see this, please contact us at admin@greatbritishtrips.com. 

16. Travel restrictions

It is the traveller’s responsibility to check the regulations, requirements and restrictions for travel established by the different countries. Plan your trip ensuring that you meet all the requirements to make your international trip.

17. Your Contract Law 

Your contract is with Great Trips Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under No. 7229747, whose registered office is 8th Floor Becket House, 36 Old Jewry, London, EC2R 8DD. All matters concerning this contract will be governed by English law.